Upcoming Courses

Whether you are just starting your journey as a beginner, aiming to become a professional Thai Massage Practitioner, or a therapist looking to integrate new elements into your skill set, the TMA has courses for you.

Thai Massage Foundation 200hr Online Training​

WITH PAU CASTELLSAGUE line_break Start today at your own pace / Group Certification Starting October 29 line_break *For practitioners of all levels line_break line_break This 200-hour online program is a complete overview, a deep dive into all the fundamentals that you need to safely get started in your journey, build up your own practice and tap

The Meeting Point: Thai Massage & Osteopathy – France

AUGUST 25-30 / CHAMON ECO RETREAT CENTER line_break An Advanced Training by Pau Castellsagué line_break line_break A 5 day, 5 night residential program, for intermediate and advanced practitioners with prior massage experience. Only 10 spots available!

SōHA ELEMENTS Yoga Meets Traditional Chinese Medicine & Thai Yoga Massage

OCTOBER 18-24 / ULUWATU, BALI line_break Facilitated by Daniela Garza, with Pau Castellsagué as one of the guest teachers line_break line_break This Module will take you on a journey to the Yoga Universe through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Understanding the connection between your most prominent emotions, the organs that store them, and the meridians