The 10 Energy Lines

The Indian origin and influence becomes
obvious here since the background of this
theory clearly lies in Yoga philosophy. Yoga
philosophy states that life energy (called prana)
is absorbed with the air we breathe and with
the food we eat. Along a network energy lines,
the Prana Nadis, the human being is then
supplied with this vital energy. These energy
lines are invisible and cannot be verified
anatomically. They form a sort of ‘second skin’,
a second body in addition to the physical body.
Called Pranayama Kosha or ‘energy body’, this
second body is comprised of a multitude of
energy lines, said to be 72,000. Thai massage
has selected 10 main lines on which there are
especially important acupressure points.
Massaging these points makes it possible to
treat certain diseases or to relieve pain.

The 10 Sen are sufficient to conduct practical
treatment for the whole body and its internal
organs. Western scientists are still puzzled by
the fact that these lines and points do seem to
have validity. Their existence can be validated
practically by the curing of various diseases or,
at the very least, by providing relief. These
points can be thought of as ‘windows’ into the
body. These ‘windows’ enable an exchange of
cosmic energy through which the human body
is maintained in an energy balance with the
energy of the universe. Disturbances in the flow
of energy result in an insufficient supply of
Prana which will in turn lead to sickness.
Working on the energy lines with massage can
break the blockades, stimulate the free flow of
Prana, and help to restore general well-being.

More or less the same theory is found in the
Chinese system of acupuncture and
acupressure and also in the Japanese system of
Shiatsu, which has evolved from Chinese
models. (The energy lines in these systems are
called meridians).The origin of these systems is
clouded in mystery. Some practitioners hold
the opinion that their roots also lie in Indian
Yoga philosophy, brought to China by
Bodhidharma, the Indian saint who established
Zen Buddhism in China – but such an origin is
very much disputed by the Chinese. But
whatever the origin of the Chinese teachings,
there is little doubt but that the history of the
10 Sen in Thai massage is based on the Indian
transmission and not on the Chinese traditions.
This relationship is manifested even in the
terminology the Thais use, with many words
quite obviously derived from Sanskrit, the
ancient spiritual language of India.

The Sen cannot be seen or touched. They can only be felt. The whole of Thai massage is
based on the energy lines and their flow throughout the body.

This line runs through the centre of the body. It supports the SOURCE OF LIFE – the
breathing mechanism. It is the same as Shushumna Nadi in the Yoga tradition.

Therapeutic Indications:
asthma, bronchitis,
respiratory problems,
chest pain, heart disease,
spasm of the diaphragm,
hiatal hernia, nausea, cold,
cough, hunger pains,
throat problems, digestive
problems, abdominal
pains, upper body
paralysis, mania,

These are two aspects of the same line – the main treatment lines for problems with
internal organs. Sen Ittha runs through the left side of the body; Sen Pingkala runs
through the right side. They are used therapeutically for abdominal pains, intestinal and
digestive problems and diseases, diseases of the urinary tract and back pain.

Therapeutic Indications:
headaches, stiff neck, shoulder
pains, common cold, cough,
dizziness, nasal obstruction,
nose problems, restless legs,
sore throat, sore eyes, chill and
fever, insomnia, abdominal
pains, intestinal problems, back
pains, knee pains, diseases of
the urinary tract, kidneys, all
internal organs, and diseases
of gallbladder and liver.

This line criss-crosses the whole body and its potency comes from this crossover effect. As
it runs from left to right and from right to left, it joins the feminine and masculine
elements within the body. Sen Kalathari supports or encourages emotional release,
depending on how deeply and repeatedly it is worked. Stress is often related to the
emotions, so it is good for tension headaches, sciatica and high blood pressure

Therapeutic Indications:
diseases of the digestive
system, abdominal pains,
muscle pains (including
bones, tendons, ligaments,
fasciae), hernia, paralysis of
arms and legs, knee pains,
jaundice, whooping cough,
arthritis, chest pains, shock,
trauma, rheumatic heart
disease, arrhythmia, angina
pectoris, sinusitis, epilepsy,
depressions, hormonal
control, various psychic
diseases and mental

These two lines are aspects of the same line. Sen Sahatsarangsi runs down the left-hand
side of the body and Sen Thawari down the right hand side of the body. Working these
lines is especially effective for the treatment of knee pain.

Therapeutic Indications:
facial paralysis, toothache,
throat pain, red and swollen
eyes, diminished eye
function, cataract, fever,
chest pains, maniac
depression, gastrointestinal
disorders, urogenital
diseases, leg paralysis, knee
joint pain, numbness of the
legs, jaundice, appendicitis,
and hernia.

These are also two different aspects of the same line. Sen Lawusang runs down the left
side of the head and chest, and Sen Ulangka down the right side. Their main therapeutic
use is for deafness and ear infections.

Therapeutic Indications: deafness, ear disease, tinnitus, cough, facial paralysis, toothache,
chest pain, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, and itching under the skin.

Both of these lines are part of Sen Sumana. Sen Nanthakrawat splits into two: one aspect
runs from the naval down through the urethra, while the other aspect runs from the navel
down to the anus. Sen Khitchana runs from the naval down through the vagina or penis.
In practical terms, both of these lines are accessed by working the abdomen from the
naval down to the pubic bone. Their main areas of treatment are urinary problems,
menstruation problems, infertility and impotence.

Therapeutic applications: Hernia, Frequent Urination, Impotence, Infertility, issues with the
Ovaries, Uterus, or Prostate, Ejaculation, Premature Ejaculation, Irregular Menstruation,
Uterine Bleeding, Urinary Retention, Diarrhea, Abdominal pains, and balancing of Libido.